How to Cook your Gluten Free Sausage Roll

These Gluten Free Sausage Rolls are ideal as an individual serving,  as they're packed in two's maybe you could share...we'll leave that up to you 😉

These have previously been frozen so please keep in the fridge on arrival.

Storage: Keep in a fridge below 5°
As with all pastry, gluten free pasty is not suitable for microwaves - the pastry will just go soggy - no one wants soggy bottoms!

Ready to eat cold - but best heated in an oven for true sausage roll sensation!

Remove all packaging  and place in a preheated oven on a baking tray.

From FROZEN: 180 C / Fan160 C / Gas Mark 4 for 25-30 mins
From CHILLED 180°C / Fan 160°C / Gas Mark 4 for 15-20 mins. 

Allow it to rest for 3-4 minutes - and enjoy.

These are a guideline as ovens do tend to differ - Yours may have different settings, so please adjust accordingly.

DO NOT Refreeze once cooked